Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Five-Sparrow-species day

Dark-eyed Junco -- photo by LLOYD SPITALNIK 3/28/06

Field Sparrow (3, Tupelo Meadow)
Fox Sparrow (under the feeders)
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow (Hernshead and the Gill)
White-throated Sparrow (everywhere)
Dark-eye Junco (Tupelo and Maintenance meadows)

Reported by Joe DiCostanzo ,who led a walk for the American Museum of Natural History this morning [4/12/12]

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two Early Migrants in Central PArk

Louisiana Waterthrush -- 4/11/2012

Pine Warbler --April 11, 2012

Two photos by DAVID SPEISER

Monday, April 09, 2012

Phil's Easter Report

Great Egret Flying above Central Park -- April 6, 2012

Great Egret at 59th St. Pond -- April 6, 2012

Phil Jeffrey's report for Easter sightings (April 8, 2012):

Great Egret flying over the park and headed out the west side Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Maintenance Field) Eastern Phoebe (Maint. Fld and Turtle Pond) Hermit Thrush (multiple) Ruby-crowned Kinglet (multiple) Golden-crowned Kinglet heard-only at Evodia Field Yellow-rumped Warbler (2+, Turtle Pond) Louisiana Waterthrush (2 at Upper Lobe, 1 at Oven) Field Sparrow (2 in Maint Fld, 1 in Strawberry Fields) Swamp Sparrow (multiple) Fox Sparrow(Evodia)

Two photos by MURRAY HEAD